Click here to view the KDHE
Consumer Confidence Report for water.
Click here to go directly to City of Reading page.

The city bills were mailed the morning of Wednesday, January 29th. We are not sure what has caused the mail to be so slow with the delivery. Hopefully, you will have them soon!
We have heard from many residents that utility bills have not been received. If you are needing your balance, please give the city office a call at 620-699-3870 or stop in. OFFICE HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 8:30am – 12:30pm, Wednesday, 8:30am – 3:30pm. Please share this information with others.

Community Building is available for rent!
100 person gathering limit. Rental fees $50 up to four hours
& $100 for over four. $50 deposit required, refundable with favorable inspection after event. Clean restrooms, kitchen, floors, empty trash, clean tables and chairs (list in kitchen). For an additional $50.00 deposit, a big screen TV is available for use when renting the building.
Community Building is located at City Hall in Reading City Park. No pets. Please contact City Hall to fill
out rental agreement and reserve your special day.

Each site has electricity, water and sewer. Rental fees are $15 per day. Please contact City Hall to reserve site and pay rental fees.
Reading City Hall
Office Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 8:30am-12:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am-3:30pm
Reading KS FaceBook pages
Speed limit in the City of Reading!

The Reading Community WEEKLY testing of emergency readiness equipment will be on every Monday at Noon. We look to maintain the safety of our community through constant upkeep of our resources.
Official City Page
Weather Season
The local weather stations continue to monitor large weather events that can impact our area. Please stay advised as weather changes. The advisories are in effect to give heads up for all local emergency situations.
Touching any of the logos below will send you directly
to their websites.
Contact any Reading fireman or stop in at the station, when you see someone is there.

The Reading Fire Department has free smoke detectors and/or carbon monoxide detectors if any one needs them.
Think about your mailbox or house and how well it is marked in case EMS or the Sheriff's Office need to respond in an emergency!

Please get your animals vaccinated.
Bring copy of rabies vaccination to City Hall for new free dog tags.

Basic Emergency Supply Kit
FEMA recommended disaster supplies kit and this should be considered as the minimum that everyone should have ready.
. First aid kit
. Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a
NOAA Weather Radio
. Battery-powered or hand crank flashlight with extra batteries
. Whistle to Signal for help
. Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
. Cell phone with chargers, inverter or solar charger
. Local maps, have an evacuation plan ready
. Dust mask to help filter contaminated air,
plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter-in-place
. Food, at least a three day supply of non- perishable food. Manual can opener for food.
. Garbage bags, moist towelettes and plastic ties
for personal sanitation
. Water, one gallon per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation
After the sirens have sounded, the only doors in the Community Building that will automatically unlock are the two doors on the north side of the building. From there you can enter the tornado shelter. The east doors and the south doors to the building do not unlock automatically.
The north doors will unlock only
AFTER the siren is sounded.
UMC: Tara Senft unlocks the door next to the blessing box as quickly as she can.

Application form

Coffee Club at
The Miracle Cafe
Happy Hour Everyday!

Join us during Happy Hour and enjoy a hot cup of coffee and fellowship for a free will donation.
All proceeds go to the RCD
for community projects!

Women’s Coffee Club meets at 10am on the first and third Wednesdays at The Miracle Cafe. Come join us to visit, make new friends, and enjoy the fellowship.
Quilters and crafters will meet at The Miracle Cafe on the 2nd and 4th Thursday at 1:30pm. We welcome new people at all times. Please contact Rosalie Voorhees with questions or for more information at 402-270-5662. Will not meet in December
Honor Flight recognizes American veterans for your sacrifice and achievements by flying you to Washington, D.C. to see your memorial at no cost. Top priority is given to WWII and terminally ill veterans from all wars. Honor Flight could also include Korean and Vietnam veterans, depending on number of applications. Applications available at The Miracle Cafe.

UMC Blessing Box
Give what you can... take what you need... and be blessed. It is for anyone in need or anyone who would like to share.

Due to the weather we cannot put anything in it that might spoil. These items are at The Cafe. If you are in need just stop by and ask what is available. Thanks Reta Jackson
Interested in receiving meals,
please call the Friendship Center (221 W Logan Ave) in Emporia
(620) 340-8001.
Schedule to dine in at the center, pick up a hot meal to take home, or a week’s worth of frozen meals.

L-CAT County Public Bus Service
TO RIDE: Call office to request a ride and the fares at least 24 hours in advance. Phone: 620-342-4207.

Reading residents are welcome to contact ECAT, 306 S. Martin for food (785) 528-8164. They are open on Wednesdays 1-3:30pm and households can get food once a month. Be sure to LIKE our FaceBook page.
Hartford Community Food Pantry, 201 E. Park Ave. Clothing and some household goods are available. This is open to residents of Reading. Check Shopper or internet for days and hours open each month.

Food Pantries
Americus pantry is located at the Americus United Methodist Church and open to anyone within the USD 251 school district.
Open to 66868 zip code the Lebo pantry is located in the back of the Lebo Baptist Church. Open Monday 5-7pm, Thursday 9-11am, and 1st Saturday of each month 10am-noon. Questions, call 620-340-2355.
Harvesters food distribution is in Osage City is at 10am on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Stay in your car and line up at the Osage City High School football field parking lot. You will need to open your doors or trunk.
Lyndon is at noon on the 3rd Friday of each month. Line up in Jones Park - Help House 610 E 6th. Stay in your car and will need to open your doors or trunk.
Workers will not put food inside your vehicle if you have a dog with you.
Abundant Harvest Food Kitchen
Food is distributed from their location at 1028 Whittier in Emporia.
Follow their FaceBook page for notifications to what and when items are available to pick up.
For services from ECKAN: Osage County residents contact ECKAN in Osage City at (785) 528-5184. Lyon County residents contact ECKAN in Emporia at (620) 342-4607. Or for more information please visit their website or FaceBook page.
Your Input is Needed
News and life in general happen fast, so please contact us to help share with everyone in the area. The Community is encouraged to share information through the use of our website. We may be contacted to update, add, or just change information to better serve our local businesses, organizations, and people. If you have anything you would like to see you may contact us: